Smartmatic Defamation Suit Against Newsmax


A Delaware choose has dominated towards Newsmax’s try to push aside a part of a defamation lawsuit filed by Smartmatic, an election technology company, against the right-wing network.  Smartmatic accused Newsmax of repeatedly airing false claims about the 2020 election, including the falsehood that the company’s software was involved in a plot to rig the election against Donald Trump.  The judge’s ruling allows Smartmatic to include 26 additional instances of alleged defamation in the lawsuit, underscoring the ongoing battle to address misinformation in the media landscape. 

Background of the Lawsuit:

The defamation lawsuit originated from Newsmax’s coverage of the 2020 election. Smartmatic initially sued Newsmax over false claims that implicated the company in a scheme to manipulate the election results. Smartmatic alleged that these claims were without merit and damaged its reputation. Subsequently, during the discovery process, Smartmatic identified additional instances of alleged defamation, prompting the company to seek the inclusion of these claims in the lawsuit. 

Impact on Newsmax:

The judge’s decision marks a legal setback for Newsmax. By allowing the expanded defamation claims to be included in the ongoing lawsuit, the judge has granted Smartmatic the opportunity to address a broader range of allegations.  Newsmax, known for its pro-Trump stance, has denied the accusations made by Smartmatic and will now have to address a more comprehensive set of claims in court.

Broader Context:

This case is part of a larger legal landscape involving defamation claims related to false information surrounding the 2020 election. Smartmatic’s pursuit of legal action against Newsmax is reminiscent of a similar lawsuit it has filed against Fox News. In the case against Fox News, Smartmatic is seeking $2.7 billion in damages, alleging that the community propagated unfounded conspiracy theories approximately the election. Similarly, Dominion Voting Systems, some other election generation company, secured a historic $787 million agreement from Fox News over comparable allegations. Dominion Voting Systems is also pursuing legal action against Newsmax for making false claims about the company’s involvement in election fraud.

Challenges in the Age of Misinformation:

The judge’s ruling and the broader legal actions against media outlets underscore the complexities of dealing with misinformation in today’s media landscape. False claims and conspiracy theories can spread rapidly, causing real-world consequences, including damage to individuals’ reputations and the erosion of public trust. The legal battles initiated by Smartmatic, Dominion Voting Systems, and others highlight the significance of accountability in journalism and the potential repercussions for outlets that amplify falsehoods.


As the legal battle between Smartmatic and Newsmax continues, the outcome of the lawsuit will likely contribute to shaping the responsibilities of media organizations in addressing misinformation.  The case also serves as a reminder that accurate and responsible reporting is crucial, particularly during politically charged events. The implications of this legal action extend beyond the individual parties involved, emphasizing the broader societal importance of maintaining the integrity of information disseminated through media platforms.